霍淑婷博士於2018年在英屬哥倫比亞大學取得博士學位。霍博士的研究重點是兒童在學業方面的個體差異, 包括讀寫、算數和第二語言學習。她的專長是量化方法和認知語言測評。她近期的研究使用腦成像方法,探索學業基礎能力的認知神經機製。
- PSYC5121- 統整項目
Huo, S., Wang, J., Lam, T. K., Wong, B. W., Wu, K. C., Mo, J., & Maurer, U. (2024). Development of EEG alpha and theta oscillations in the maintenance stage of working memory. Biological Psychology, 108824.
Huo, S., Lo, J. C. M., Ma, J., Maurer, U., & McBride, C. (2023). Neural specialization to English words in Chinese children: Joint contribution of age and English reading abilities. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 63, 101292.
Huo, S., Wu, K. C., Mo, J., Wang, J., & Maurer, U. (2022). Children with Chinese dyslexia acquiring English literacy: Interaction between cognitive subtypes of dyslexia and orthographies. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 55(3), 229-241.
Wang, J., Huo, S., Wu, K. C., Mo, J., Wong, W. L., & Maurer, U. (2022). Behavioral and neurophysiological aspects of working memory impairment in children with dyslexia. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 12571.
Huo, S., Zhang, X., & Law, Y. K. (2021). Pathways to word reading and calculation skills in young Chinese children: From biologically primary skills to biologically secondary skills. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(2), 230–247. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000647