Shuting HUO
Ph.D., UBC
Research Assistant Professor
Rm 354, Sino Building
3943 6521
2603 5019
Brief Introduction
Dr Shuting Huo obtained her PhD degree in special education in 2018 at The University of British Columbia. Dr Huo seeks to answer the question why children differ in the fundamental academic skills, i.e., word reading, arithmetic, and second language literacy (English). She specializes in quantitative approaches and cognitive-linguistic assessment. Her recent work utilizes the neuroimaging method, EEG, to investigate the cognitive neurological mechanisms underlying the academic foundations in children.
Teaching Areas
- PSYC5121- Capstone Project
Research Interests
Dyslexia; Biliteracy; Numeracy; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience; Brain Oscillations
Huo, S., Wang, J., Lam, T. K., Wong, B. W., Wu, K. C., Mo, J., & Maurer, U. (2024). Development of EEG alpha and theta oscillations in the maintenance stage of working memory. Biological Psychology, 108824.
Huo, S., Lo, J. C. M., Ma, J., Maurer, U., & McBride, C. (2023). Neural specialization to English words in Chinese children: Joint contribution of age and English reading abilities. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 63, 101292.
Huo, S., Wu, K. C., Mo, J., Wang, J., & Maurer, U. (2022). Children with Chinese dyslexia acquiring English literacy: Interaction between cognitive subtypes of dyslexia and orthographies. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 55(3), 229-241.
Wang, J., Huo, S., Wu, K. C., Mo, J., Wong, W. L., & Maurer, U. (2022). Behavioral and neurophysiological aspects of working memory impairment in children with dyslexia. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 12571.
Huo, S., Zhang, X., & Law, Y. K. (2021). Pathways to word reading and calculation skills in young Chinese children: From biologically primary skills to biologically secondary skills. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(2), 230–247. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000647