
Hsuan-Chih CHEN

Ph.D., Kansas
Emeritus Professor
Rm 427, Esther Lee Building
3943 6485
2603 5019

Brief Introduction

Professor Hsuan-Chih Chen is a cognitive psychologist. He has conducted research and published extensively on a variety of topics related to human learning, memory, cognition, and language processing in Chinese.

Research Interests

Human cognition
Language processing in Chinese



Selected Recent

Wong, A.W.-K., Wang, J., Wong, S.-S., & Chen, H.-C. (2018). Syllable retrieval precedes sub-syllabic encoding in Cantonese spoken word production. PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0207617. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207617)

Tsang, Y.-K., Huang, J., Lui, M., Xue, M., Chan, Y.-W., Wang, S., & Chen, H.-C. (2018). MELD-SCH: A megastudy of lexical decision in simplified Chinese. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 1763-1777.

Wang, J., Wong, A.W.K., & Chen, H.-C. (2018). Time course of syllabic and sub-syllabic processing in Mandarin word production: Evidence from the picture-word interference paradigm. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25, 1147-1152.

Wang, J., Wong, A.W.K., Wang, S., & Chen, H.-C. (2017). Primary phonological planning units in spoken word production are language-specific: Evidence from an ERP study. Scientific Reports, 7:5815. (DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-06186-z)

Wong, A.W.K., Chiu, H.-C., Wang, J., Cao, J., Wong, S.-S., & Chen, H.-C. (2017). An early locus of associative and categorical context effects in speech production: Evidence from an ERP study using the picture-word interference paradigm. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, DOI:10.1080/23273798.2017.1355060.

Wong, A. W. K., Wang, J., Ng, T. Y., & Chen, H.-C. (2016). Syllabic encoding during overt speech production in Cantonese: Evidence from temporal brain responses. Brain Research, 1648, 101-109.

Wu, Y., Tsang, Y.-K., Wong, A.W.K., & Chen, H.-C. (2016). The processing of homographic morphemes in Chinese: An ERP study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1227857

Tsang, Y.-K., Wu, Y., Ng. T.Y., & Chen, H.-C. (2016). Semantic activation of phonetic radicals in Chinese. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1246744

Jia, S., Tsang, Y.-K., Huang, J., & Chen, H.-C. (2015). Processing Cantonese lexical tones: Evidence from oddball paradigms. Neuroscience, 305, 351-360.

Feng, G., Chen, H.-C., Zhu, Z., He, Y., & Wang, S. (2015). Dynamic brain architectures in local brain activity and functional network efficiency associate with efficient reading in bilinguals.NeuroImage, 119, 103-118.

Tsang, Y.-K., & Chen, H.-C. (2014). Activation of morphemic meanings in processing opaque words. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 1281-1286.

Wong, A. W. K., Wu, Y., & Chen, H.-C. (2014). Limited role of phonology in reading Chinese two-character compounds: Evidence from an ERP study. Neuroscience, 256, 342-351.

Tsang, Y.-K., Wong, A.W.K., Huang, J., & Chen, H.-C. (2014). Morpho-orthographic and morpho-semantic processing in word recognition and production: Evidence from ambiguous morphemes.Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 543-560.

Tsang, Y.-K., & Chen, H.-C. (2013). Morpho-semantic processing in word recognition: Evidence from balanced and biased ambiguous morphemes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 39, 1990-2001.

Huang, J., Wang, S., Jia, S., Mo, D., & Chen, H.-C. (2013). Cortical Dynamics of semantic processing during sentence comprehension: Evidence from event-related optical signals. PLoS ONE, 8(8): e70671. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070671).

Jia, S., Tsang, Y.-K., Huang, J., & Chen, H.-C. (2013). Right hemisphere advantage in processing Cantonese level and contour tones: Evidence from dichotic listening. Neuroscience Letters, 556,135-139.

Tsang, Y.-K., & Chen, H.-C. (2013). Early morphological processing is sensitive to morphemic meanings: Evidence from processing ambiguous morphemes. Journal of Memory and Language, 68, 223-239.

Wong, A.W.K., Huang, J., & Chen, H.-C. (2012). Phonological units in spoken word production: Insights from Cantonese. PLoS ONE, 7(11): e48776. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048776).

Chou, T.-L., Lee, S.-H., Hung, S.-M., & Chen, H.-C. (2012). The role of inferior frontal gyrus in processing Chinese classifiers. Neuropsychologia, 50, 1408-1415.

Wang, S., Mo, D., Xiang, M., Hsu, R., & Chen, H.-C. (2012). The Time Course of Semantic and Syntactic Processing in Reading Chinese: Evidence from ERPs. Language and Cognitive Processes. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036156)

Qiu, L., Swaab, T.Y., Chen, H.-C., & Wang, S. (2012). The role of gender information in pronoun resolution: Evidence from Chinese. PLoS ONE, 7(5): e36156. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036156)

Wu, Y., Mo, D., Tsang, Y.-K., & Chen, H.-C. (2012). ERPs reveal sub-lexical processing in Chinese character recognition. Neuroscience Letters, 514, 164-168.

Ma, L., Jiang, Y., Bai, J., Gong, Q., Liu, H., Chen, H.-C., He, S., & Weng, X. (2011). Robust and task independent profile of the visual word form activation in fusiform cortex. PLoS ONE, 6(10): e26310. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026310)

Lin, S., Chen, H.-C., Zhao, J., Li, S., He, S., & Weng, X. (2011). Left-lateralized N170 response to unpronounceable pseudo but not false Chinese characters. Neuroscience, 190, 200-206.

Wong, A.W.K., & Chen, H.-C. (2011). Is syntactic-category processing obligatgory in visual word recognition? Evidence from Chinese. Language and Cognitive Processes (doi: 10.1080/01690965.2011.603931).

Tsang, Y.-K., Jia, S., Huang, J., & Chen, H.-C. (2011). ERP correlates of pre-attentive processing of Cantonese lexical tones: The effects of pitch contour and pitch height. Neuroscience Letters, 487, 268-272.

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