Thesis Database

Year: 2021 - 2022 2 term

Programme: B.S.Sc. in Psychology

Supervisor: Darius Kwan-Shing CHAN

Student name: TsunHo FONG

Thesis title:

The mediating role of self-presentation secondary goals on friendship by Rinsta and Finsta users

Keywords: Fake Instagram, Real Instagram, Self-presentation, Relationship satisfaction, Relational aggression

Participants: 187 participants aged 18 or above (78.1% female; 20.9% male; 1.1% prefer not to tell)

Measures: Instagram Use Scale, Self-presentation secondary goals scale, Burns Relationship Satisfaction Scale, The self-report of aggression and social behavior measure, Short-scale Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised

Measures abr: SRASBM, EPQ-R Short Scale

Abstract: abstract/2021-2022BSSc/FongTsunHo_abstract.pdf

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