Thesis Database

Year: 2021 - 2022 2 term

Programme: B.S.Sc. in Psychology

Supervisor: Mo ZHENG

Student name: HeiToPenthuson CHAN

Thesis title:

The Additive Effect of ADHD Symptoms on Verbal Working Memory and Academic Performance of Autism Students

Keywords: Verbal working memory, ADHD, Autism Spectrum disorder, Comorbidity, Academic performance

Participants: 896 students: 798 TD, 68 ADHD, 17 ASD-, 13ASD+ (6-11 years old, grades 1-4)

Measures: Digit Span Backward Task, Chinese Reading Comprehension, Arithmetic Test, Chinese Word Reading, Chinese Vocabulary Knowledge Test

Measures abr: DSB, RC, ARITH, CWR, CVK

Abstract: abstract/2021-2022BSSc/ChanHeiToPenthuson_abstract.pdf

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