Thesis Database

Year: 2022 - 2023 2 term

Programme: M.Phil. in Psychology

Supervisor: Qian WANG

Student name: Fangqian QIU

Thesis title:

Understanding the "Myth" of Parental Minimization Reactions to Children's Negative Emotions Among Chinese Families

Keywords: Chinese culture, Parental minimization reactions to child negative emotions, Adolescents' development, Parents' characteristics, Cultural beliefs

Participants: 283 seventh- and eighten-grade adolescents, 155 fathers and 303 mothers

Measures: Coping with Children’s Negative Emotions Scale, Implicit Theory of Emotion Measure, Zhongyong thinking style scale, Attibution scale, Asian values scale

Measures abr: CCNES

Abstract: abstract/2022-2023PhD/QIUFangqian_abstract.pdf

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