Thesis Database

Year: 2020 - 2021 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Catherine Alexandra MCBRIDE-CHANG

Student name: Xiucong CHEN

Thesis title:

The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Language Development (Chinese and English) among children in Hong Kong

Keywords: Socioeconomic Status, Parents’ education, Phonological awareness, Morphological awareness, Vocabulary acquaintance

Participants: Children aged 5-10 years old across 3 grades in Hong Kong

Measures: Father’s Education, Mother’s Education, Monthly Household Income (HK$), Total numbers of residents in household, Stopping-rule Adjusted Total Score (46 items), CPA Stopping-rule Adjusted Total Score (41 items), Chinese Vocabulary Knowledge (48 items), Chinese Word Reading Raw Score, Chinese Dictation Sum Score of Item 1 to 20, English Morphological Awareness, English Dictation, English Word Reading Total Score, English Vocabulary Knowledge (45 items)

Measures abr: Father Education, Mother Education, Income, Household Size, CMA_AScore, CPA_AScore, CVK_Total, CWR_Total, CDICT_Total, EMA_Total, EDICT_Total, EWR_Total, EVK_Total


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