Thesis Database

Year: 2017 - 2018 2 term

Programme: MA in Psychology

Supervisor: Fiona Yan-Yee HO

Student name: Pui Yan SHAM

Thesis title:

The Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acupressure on Sleep Quality and Time in Bed in Hong Kong Chinese Insomniacs

Keywords: Insomnia, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), Acupressure

Participants: 40 individuals completed an online preliminary screening were selected. Participants who met the following criteria were recruited: (a) Hong Kong residents aged 18 years or older who are able to communicate in Cantonese; (b) Scored > 21 in the Sleep Condition Indicator (SCI) to ensure selection of participants with insomnia disorder; (c) Scored < 8 in the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) to ensure selection of subjects with perceived insomnia severity; and (d) willing to give informed consent and comply with the trial piotocol; however, individuals were excluded if they met criteria for (a) Scored 2 or over for Item 9 in the questionnaire of Beck Depression inventory (BDI-II) indicated participant having suicidal ideations; (b) Pregnancy; (c) Received CBT-I, acupuncture, and/or practitioner-delivered acupressure treatment in the past 6 months; and (d) Taking herbal remedies, over-the-counter medication, or psychotropic drugs that target insomnia within 2 weeks prior to the baseline assessment.

Measures: Sleep diary (Time in bed), Sleep diary (Sleep quality)

Measures abr: IB, SQ

Abstract: abstract/2017-2018MA/ShamPuiYan_abstract.pdf

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