Thesis Database

Year: 2011 - 2012 2 term

Programme: PhD in Clinical Psy

Supervisor: Leung Wing Leung Patrick

Student name: ching heung-chuen

Thesis title:

The Role of Stress-reactive Rumination in the Genesis of Depressed Feelings: Findings from Experimental Manipulations that Simulate Stress-reactive Rumination among a Non-clinical Sample of Undergraduates

Keywords: rumination, stress-reactive, depressed, experimental

Participants: a non-clinical sample of undergraduate

Measures: beck depression inventory II (taiwan chinese version), positive belief about rumination scale, negative belief about rumination scale, ruminative response scale (10-item version)

Measures abr: BDI-II, PBRS, NBRS, RRS

Abstract: abstract/2011-2012ChiPsyPHD/chong heung chuen_abstract.pdf

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