Thesis Database

Year: 2008 - 2009 2nd term

Programme: BSSc

Supervisor: Freedom Yiu Kin Leung

Student name: Yuen Wah Wong

Thesis title:

Development and Validation of the Emotion Vulnerability Scale (EVS) for Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong

Keywords: Development, Validation, Emotion Vulnerability, Adolescents

Participants: Year 1: 6211 secondary school (F1-F7) students (1961 boys and 2450 girls ), year 2: 6455 secondary school ( F1-F7) students (2087 boys and 4368 girls)

Measures: response to stress questionnaire, Rosenberg self- esteem scale, Fragile sense of self scale, MClean Screening instrument for borderline personality disorder, reactivity to situation scale of mood survey, depression subscale of symptom checklist-90, Revised diagnostic interview for borderline

Measures abr: RSQ, RSES, MSI-BPD, SCL-90, DIB-R

Abstract: abstract/2009B.S.Sc/Wong_Yuen_Wah_abstract.pdf

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